i'm an animator who has a lot to learn.

Age 31, Male

Joined on 5/1/09

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peltos's News

Posted by peltos - June 13th, 2010

hey everyone

srry that the next zelda files isnt online yet but the last few weeks i have been very busy with school and other stuf but its also because im lasy :P

with the free time i had i made a few logo's for my friends, made a few remakes of some zelda songs and played a lot of games.

anyway, im planning to start again with the zelda files but i cant tell for sure because im still a lasy guy so i cant say when the next zelda files is going to come.

hope this is information enough.

P.S. im also planning to make a new site with some help of a friend of mine. its going to be a oficial site so its gonna look a lot better then the one i have now.

you can also go to my site
http://www.peltos-productions.webs.com /

or my Deviantart Acount

http://www.computerandvideogames.com/a rticle.php?id=251885&skip=yes

im back ( i think)

Posted by peltos - April 25th, 2010

hey everyone
im trying to work on mine drawings and i think this one turned out pretty well
leave a comment about how it could be better or just how mutch you like it XD

his Name is Ace Storm

you can also go to my site
http://www.peltos-productions.webs.com /
or my Deviantart Acount

EDIT: i have changed it a bit

Ace Storm

Posted by peltos - March 28th, 2010

Hey everyone
the Zelda Files Chapter 6 is finnaly out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i had taken so long because i had a lot of homework and i was a few days sick TT
but now im back in full health and im already busy with a new project
the new project is called "Murphy's Law" and is writen by jack (greatw1hteshark) and the voice actor is chris tobin. i have only 5 days until aprils fool so im not sure if im gonna make it TT

here is a list of all the Zelda Files made until now.

Zelda Files: Links lesson on supply and demand (Chapter 1)
Zelda Files: Link gets played (Chapter 2)
Zelda Files: Link and the dance off (Chapter 3)
Zelda Files: The Christmas chapter (Chapter 4)
Zelda Files: Battle of the Nintendo Titans (Chapter 5)
Zelda Files: Link and the Welcome home Party (Chapter 6)

you can also go to my site
http://www.peltos-productions.webs.com /
or my Deviantart Acount

Posted by peltos - March 3rd, 2010

hey everyone.
we (Greatwh1teshark, iloveicelollies, Chris Tobin and myself) made a team called "The NG4"(The Newgrounders 4). we are gonna make some awsome animations and games in the near future.
i made a logo for our team that looks AWSOME!!
The NG4 logo

here is a list of all the Zelda Files made until now.

Zelda Files: Links lesson on supply and demand (Chapter 1)
Zelda Files: Link gets played (Chapter 2)
Zelda Files: Link and the dance off (Chapter 3)
Zelda Files: The Christmas chapter (Chapter 4)
Zelda Files: Battle of the Nintendo Titans (Chapter 5)

you can also go to my site
http://www.peltos-productions.webs.com /
or my Deviantart Acount

Posted by peltos - February 24th, 2010

he everyone.
the 5 chapter is finaly on newgrounds and its a fight between mario and link
i hope you like it.

here is a list of all the zelda files made until now

Zelda Files: Links lesson on supply and demand (Chapter 1)
Zelda Files: Link gets played (Chapter 2)
Zelda Files: Link and the dance off (Chapter 3)
Zelda Files: The Christmas chapter (Chapter 4)
Zelda Files: Battle of the Nintendo Titans (Chapter 5)

you can also go to my site
http://www.peltos-productions.webs.com /
or my Deviantart Acount

Posted by peltos - February 3rd, 2010

he everyone
its been a while but here i am.
i dindt do anything about the zelda files because im busy with ChrisTobin to make Zelda Files: The game!!!!
but it's gonna take a few months to make it so i hope you guys can wait.

you can go to my new and improved site
http://www.peltos-productions.webs.com /
or my Deviantart Acount

The zelda files: The game

Posted by peltos - December 31st, 2009

he everyone. happy new year!!!!!!!
this is gonna be a good year. after this message im gonna start with the zelda files again. and im gonna make a game with ChrisTobin . what kind of game its gonna be isnt know yet but i know that its gonna be AWSOME!!!!!.
and btw i dont think im gonna go further with the zelda files animation. its a little bit irritating because the sound is acting weird and i dont know how to fix it T_T

you can go to my site
http://www.peltos-productions.webs.com /
or my Deviantart Acount

Posted by peltos - December 18th, 2009

the Christmas chapter is finished!
Zelda Files: Chapter 4 (The Christmas Chapter)

you can also go to my site
http://www.peltos-productions.webs.com /
or my Devinatart Acount

Posted by peltos - December 11th, 2009

its finally here!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 3 of the Zelda Files!!!!!!!!!
Zelda Files: Chapter 3 (Link and the Dance off)

you can also go to my site
http://www.peltos-productions.webs.com /
or my Devinatart Acount

Posted by peltos - December 4th, 2009

he everyone
srry for keeping you waiting for so long but i had it a little busy with some things but now im back and fully operational, so i should be able to finish "Zelda Files: Chapter 3" in a few days.

until then you can watch my other animations
Mario VS Question Box
Link's Side Quest
Zelda Files: Chapter 1
Zelda Files: Chapter 2

you can also go to my site
http://www.peltos-productions.webs.com /
or my Devinatart Acount